Feet, friend or foe?

Our feet are one of the hardest working parts of the body and under constant stress. It’s easy to take them for granted, they hang around at the end of our legs, trying to adapt to being jammed into a pretty but often ill-fitting shoe or being smothered inside socks and trainers. They may take […]

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Nearly 30% of people experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching which is medically called bruxism. Almost 10% of those that grind do it so severely that their teeth are reduced to small stumps.  Bruxism affects all ages groups, children to adults, causing severe tooth damage, jaw disorders, and headaches.

Your brain on anxiety

Here is a link to a great little film by Dr John Kenworthy on how our brain reacts and the body responds to anxiety and stress. It’s technical in parts but explains how and why we behave the way we do in perceived stressful situations. With this understanding, you can manage your stress response symptoms […]

Herniated spinal disc explained

A herniated spinal disc is the most common cause many painful conditions, when this happens, the natural cushion between the vertebra of the spine is damaged or ruptured, causing the spinal disc to push out into areas usually occupied by nerves. Note; other terms for a herniated disc include; a slipped, ruptured, bulging or, protruding disc. […]

Health affects of stress

Stress is a part of everyday life; it can affect our body, our thoughts, feelings, and our behaviour. It’s impossible to avoid some significant life events, bereavement, divorce, family illness, redundancy even parenthood. Stress can induce a flight or fight response in the body, producing hormones to increase heart rate, make us breathe faster and […]

Sleep Advice & Tips

Good quality sleep is essential for our wellbeing, protecting our physical and mental health. Humans have evolved to be active during the day and sleep at night, but modern life means that’s not always possible. Lots of people suffer poor sleep; New parents, shift and night workers. Everyone, from children to older adults, can benefit […]

Snap crackle & pop!  What do noisy joints mean?

Do your shoulders creak? Knees pop? Does your neck make cracking sounds? Do you hear clicking noises in your ankles, wrists or hips when you move? Some of the joints in our bodies can result in an impressive range of weird, wonderful and occasionally extremely loud sounds?