Pain, why does it hurt so much?

Physical pain is essential to the human experience; it’s the body’s protective alarm system. It’s a subjective experience that is challenging to convey to others. Especially if there are no obvious outward clues, our ability to tolerate pain is as individual as our fingerprints and shaped by many factors: genetics, previous pain experiences and our […]

Do you understand the “core”?

The “core” is scientifically called the lumbopelvic-hip complex (LPHC). It’s everything our head, arms and legs attach too, the torso or trunk of the body. Most often its acts as a stabiliser and force transfer, yet people focus on training it in isolation as a prime mover, with exercises like sit-ups, crunches, and planks. If […]

Fibromyalgia explained

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious long-term condition involving widespread chronic pain without a known cause; it’s more frustrating than a diagnosis. Some people will eventually discover a specific reason. Still, most times, the condition appears triggered by a physically stressful event, such as an injury, infection or having a baby. Or an emotional upset, such as […]

The thyroid gland part 4, subclinical hypothyroidism explained

Are you tired all the time, gaining weight while eating the same amount of food? Is your skin dry and your hair falling out too? It can be easy to dismiss these symptoms as being down to living through a typical UK winter when many folks feel under par, suffer the effects of central heating […]

Pain, what’s​ really going on?

Pain is tricky; it can be a valuable and potentially life-saving protection mechanism. You only have to touch something unexpectedly hot to appreciate that the resulting OUCH was helpful because it made you pull your hand away and prevent possible further injury. But what exactly is pain? 

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a common back condition where the nerve roots or the spinal cord become pinched or compressed because the spaces within the spinal canal narrowing. It affects men and women in equal numbers, and around 10% of the UK population is believed to be living with this condition. Who gets it, are you […]