A variety of techniques can help our nervous system back into balance. The relaxation response is one of the simplest because it works like a braking system to brings our body and mind back into a state of equilibrium.
Author archives: Thriving, inside and out
Stress, how it affects your body
Pressure and stress are omnipresent; they touch every aspect of our everyday life, affecting our body, thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviours too. Interestingly, although most people believe that all stress is harmful, it has some essential benefits.
Core stability, demystifying the misonception
Almost every day, I hear someone talking about their core, usually stating that they need to strengthen it or that having a stronger one [core] will cure their back pain… mmm [sigh]. Here’s a recent example; a new patient, let’s call him mister B, shared with me that his trainer had told them they needed […]
2020 new decade, new you? But is there anything wrong with the old you?
It’s a rhetorical question. Are you about to plunge into the perennial pitfall of making unrealistic New Year’s resolutions for the year ahead? While the start of a new year is an opportunity to press the reset button and may inspire a renewed sense of purpose or hope to begin new adventures. Many people make […]
Pillows, do we really need them?
Following on from the articles on sleep positions and mattress advice for pain-free sleep, the other question I get asked relating to sleep is “Do I really need a pillow to sleep well”?
Sleep positions for pain-free z-z-z-z’s
As an osteopath, it’s routine to be talking with patients about sleep, especially if discomfort or pain is making it difficult to get to sleep. Any joint-related problem or health concern can be a factor that influences our choice of sleep position. The question that comes up most often is what position is best?
Mattresses advice.
Almost every patient I see in pain asks if their bed or mattress could cause their symptoms. While your bed could contribute to discomfort, making a change is not always easy. The main concern for most people is sleep disturbances, and comfort is a critical factor in getting a refreshing sleep, and that presents a […]
Calcium, why it’s important.
Did you know that the body contains more calcium than any other mineral? Alongside it’s a vital role with bones, it helps with heart health, and is needed for the nervous system to work efficiently.
Lactose intolerance
Do you get bloating and abdominal pain after drinking a large cappuccino, or eating ice cream? If the answer is yes, you could have Lactose deficiency, which causes Lactose intolerance.
Back Pain: Debunking Misconceptions and Myths
Back pain is common; 80% of people worldwide will experience at least one episode. It’s an often invisible condition that can affect anyone from *children to the elderly, but worldwide, only around 1% of cases are because of something sinister such as a tumour.
Free radicals and antioxidants explained.
A simple way to think of free radicals is as waste products which built up and can harm the cells in the body. They are natural byproducts of the body’s many chemical processes, such as breathing and eating. Environmental toxins, household chemicals and cigarette smoke can also expose us to free radicals.
Touch, the silent language of compassion, communication and connection.
Welcome to 2019! I wanted the first entry of this new year to be about something significant, meaningful and potentially life-changing. This entry is about the benefits and power of touch.
Anaemia, are you at risk?
Do you struggle to get through the day? Or get breathless, sluggish and weak doing everyday activities? These could be signs of anaemia. Anaemia leads to poor circulation of oxygen around the body and sometimes causes complications, although it’s rare, anaemia that remains untreated can even become deadly.
Seasonal Affective Disorder; Winter depression, explained
The changes in seasons can affect us in profound ways, some people report feeling more cheerful when the days are longer, and the sun is shining. While others crave carbohydrates during the long, often grey UK winters.
Walking, are you getting the real benefits?
I was recounting a story in one of my classes recently about a man complaining about his struggle to find a parking space after a stressful drive to his “lovely health club”, where he jumped on a treadmill and walked for 30 minutes before driving home! Mmm, I know his part of the metropolis is blessed with […]
Gout, explained
Gout is an excruciatingly painful condition caused when uric acid levels build up in the body. It’s a complex form of arthritis and the most common inflammatory arthritis. Approximately 2.5% of adults in the UK will get Gout, with men being more susceptible than women.
Coccyx pain explained
Sitting below the sacrum at the lowest part of the spine is the coccyx, also known as the tailbone. It is a small triangular bone resembling a shortened tail and made up of 3 to 5 spinal bones or coccygeal vertebrae with disc-like ligaments.
Reasons to seek out osteopathic treatment
Following on from a previous post (osteopathic treatment is different) here are 5 more reasons the osteopathic approach to healthcare and wellbeing is different.
Teeth grinding and jaw clenching.
Nearly 30% of people experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching which is medically called bruxism. Almost 10% of those that grind do it so severely that their teeth are reduced to small stumps. Bruxism affects all ages groups, children to adults, causing severe tooth damage, jaw disorders, and headaches.
Osteopathic treatment is different, here’s why
On an almost daily basis, I get asked to explain what I do, not my occupation but what do osteopaths actually do? I suspect if I took a public survey the reply would be one of the following: “They crack peoples backs, don’t they? ” Or with a shrug of shoulders, “I’ve never heard of one of […]