The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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You are probably aware that new data collection rules come into force on in May. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect May 25, 2018. It replaces Data Protection Act 1998 and is designed to unify data privacy requirements across the European Union (EU).

I appreciate that your inbox may be full of calls to action, as the guidance around GDPR isn’t specific which is unhelpful, but I have good news. As you voluntarily signed up/agreed to receive my occasional updates, blogs or newsletters you don’t need to take any action unless you would like to unsubscribe or edit your subscription. Changing or cancelling your subscription is a simple process using the tab at the bottom of each blog or newsletter. Alternatively, send me an email with: “unsubscribe or edit” in the subject box.

With these changes in mind, I am also taking this opportunity to reassure you that I will not sell, rent or share your information with third parties for marketing purposes. I need may pass your information to third party service providers in an emergency situation (for example, your contact details to your GP or other health services) and will only disclose the personal information that is necessary to aid your wellbeing.

Also, in line with these upcoming changes I have also reviewed and updated my privacy policy accordingly to ensure compliance, this will be available on my websites and in clinics by the GDPR implementation deadline.

Finally, if you are on more than one list for example; a Pilates client who also signed-up to my blog via the website, you may receive this message more than once, sorry about that.




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